The iPod will be end and the iPhone Classic will take over (maybe)


The other day, there was news that the iPod touch will end only for the current model, which is the 7th generation, and I was mixed with my disappointing feelings and the feeling that it can not be helped considering the recent days of putting music on smartphones.

With the advent of the iPod, the media used by portable music players has changed from cassette tapes to MDs, and the style of carrying music in the HDD is novel, and the lineup includes mini, nano, shuffle, touch, and classic. However, it can be said that he rushed as the leading role in the new genre of silicon audio and surrendered that position to the iphone. Is it like a smartphone swallowing any tool and even an ipod?

However, with the current iphone lineup, the main body of the music player is too large, and there is no earphone jack, so I think that the old light terminal is no longer available.


But there is a series that I haven’t released on iphone yet. That’s what iPhone Classic is all about.


Simply put, I’m hoping for a normal evolution of the original iphone SE , but the 4-inch smallness and lightness are the closest to the previous ipod Touch and weigh less than 100 grams. I think there is technology.

I wrote an article about my expectations for iphone Classic before, but for some reason that article isn’t registered in Google’s search. I have applied for registration many times in the Google Search Console, but even if other articles are registered, Iphone Classic articles are not. Why.

「iPhone Classic」登場への期待と可能性
先日登場したiPhone SE3はSE2と内容はほとんど変わらないもののAppleの新製品として話題の主役になってます。実際にSE2はiPhoneシリーズで最も売れている機種だし、他のモデルが進化している中においてもホームボタンやTouch




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